About Gedalya

Gedalya also known as The Folk Rock Rabbi is a singer/songwriter based in New York. Exploring themes of faith, hardships, and growth, his music is reaching a growing audience around the globe, touching listener’s hearts in every corner of the world.

An avid poet from a young age, Gedalya spent his teenage years writing poetry before taking up piano at the age of 17 and putting his words to music. He began performing at open mics around New York City in his early twenties and has been playing live shows for the past twenty years, gaining a dedicated fan base along the way. Gedalya takes inspiration from his spirituality and his experiences of travelling through different cultures, incorporating his perception of world issues and mankind into his music.

Since 2018, Gedalya has released six albums ‘Man of Faith’, ‘Pulling Strings’, ‘2020 VisionaryMy Little WorldAlbum 2022’ and his latest release 'This is My World'.

In addition, Gedalya is also the director of A New Song USA, a non-profit organization dedicated to using the power of music to unite, inspire and give strength to people from all walks of life.

Gedalya continues to build his musical catalogue and is looking forward to sharing more of his message with people all over the globe. Sign up to receive his monthly newsletter for the latest news along with a free download every month. Listen on Spotify! 

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Hot off the Press!

Folk-Rock Rabbi recalls Woody Guthrie in new album

In an effort to capture the spirit of the times, Gedalya looks back at classic folk artist to create modern message of connection and understanding

NEW YORK (December 1, 2023) — Woody Guthrie famously called people hoping machines, and as everyone settles into 2023, Gedalya, known by his fans as the Folk-Rock Rabbi, recalls and recounts that same sentiment in his latest album, This is My World.

“One of Guthrie’s most beloved songs was This Land is Your Land, and I wanted to expand on that idea for the new digital age,” Gedalya said. “His was a message of the power of empathy and hope, and I believe that continuing on that message is more important than ever.”

With the release of This is My World, Gedalya continues to spread messages of unity through his unique blend of folk, rock, and spiritual music.

“Through uplifting lyrics and memorable melodies, I invite listeners to join me in creating a better world for all,” Gedalya said. “Small actions can make a huge difference in the world, and I hope listeners feel empowered to create a better world as they listen to the new album.”

This is My World features eleven tracks that showcase Gedalya's exceptional songwriting skills and ability to connect with his audience. With a mix of upbeat rock songs, introspective ballads, and spiritual anthems, the album is a testament to Gedalya's versatility as an artist.

But throughout, he keeps a focus on a powerful message.

"I believe that music has the power to bring people together and help us heal,” Gedalya said. “With This is My World, I wanted to create a body of work that would inspire and encourage people to put their focus on making a positive difference in their communities." 

“Thanks to amazing advancements in technology, we have access to more information and more people than in the history of humanity. The internet has connected us all, creating a time where we have the ability to work together for a better tomorrow. But we have to choose it. I want This is My World to be that invitation to step up and champion the world you want to live in.”

The album also reflects a new approach from the artist.
“Currently, it can be difficult to determine which genre one's music belongs to,” Gedalya said. “In the current musical climate, there are so many new categories, feels, and sounds that everyone is blending and experimenting to create something creatively new and exciting.”

In an effort to take advantage of that musical climate, he said, with This is My World, he focused on finding his place musically and continued carrying his upbeat messaging.

One day, he sat down and asked himself, "Gedalya, where do you fit in?"

And after he pondered the question, he said an inner voice cried out, "You're a folk singer!" and that inspiration led to the development of the new album. 

“When you look around with an open mind and a desire to grow spiritually, you will find so many things to learn,” Gedalya said. “But as reflected in the first track, Look at the World, people have to choose to be there and take advantage of the one and only opportunity we get to experience this life.”

With This World is an Illusion, Gedalya drives the listener to explore the duality of existence and finding the right path. Song for Peace expresses a message of giving to others, and Eyes on Wine, inspired by a verse from The Book of Proverbs preaches focus. 

Those tracks – along with the rest of the album – share the importance of learning to live in a way that benefits the world.

“While you listen to the songs, I hope that you will listen with an open heart and an open mind and that you will find that place within yourself that shares what you're hearing,” Gedalya said.

Songs from This is My World is currently available for purchase for digital play on Gedalya's Website as well as on Bandcamp.

Physical copies of the album, along with digital copies of the eleven tracks, can also be found on his website, TheFolkRockRabbi.com. CD's can also be ordered by emailing Gedalya directly at GedalyaMusic@Gmail.com 

This is My World

Gedalya Folk Rock Rabbi

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Every time I write a song, I have no idea how it happened. I have an idea which develops and changes. I start with a chord, and it becomes another chord. The melody also finds its own pathway. One thing I do know is that nothing comes out until it's ready! What makes it ready? That I also don't know.

In the past, if you would have asked me why I

Every time I write a song, I have no idea how it happened. I have an idea which develops and changes. I start with a chord, and it becomes another chord. The melody also finds its own pathway. One thing I do know is that nothing comes out until it's ready! What makes it ready? That I also don't know.

In the past, if you would have asked me why I write, I would have said that I do it because I need to. I write for myself, and my only objective is to say what I feel and express my thoughts and ideas. Only after I've done that does the desire to share rise up from within. But this album was different. This time around when I sat down to write I first thought about some of the good things that I wanted to share. This is the first time that I consciously began from that point.

As you listen through the songs, I hope you will listen with an open mind and an open heart and that you will find that place within yourself that connects with some of the messages you're hearing.

Wishing you only good things, Gedalya

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Thanks so much for your support, Gedalya.